12 February, 2021


The World Federation of Chiropractic launched a new mobile app.

“The WFC Chiropractic App is designed to keep users up to date with news, information, resources and latest evidence from the world of chiropractic.”

The app is available on both on the Apple App Store and on Google Play.

Also check out the World of Chiropractic podcast.

Dr. Michele Maiers is elected first female president of the American Chiropractic Association

The Board of Governors installed new leadership at the annual meeting for the ACA last week. Dr. Kathy Boulet of Maine, was elected Vice President.

Dr. Maiers is the executive director of research and innovation at Northwestern Health Sciences University and the Vice President of the WFC.


The CARLoquium convenes in three weeks.

This virtual conference for the chiropractic community will feature keynote talks and virtual poster sessions over two days, all in a virtual world called Virbela.

Registration is $35 for each poster submitted, and there are limited seats for observers who do not wish to present a poster. The virtual conference will be held March 2nd-4th.


A new paper in Chiropractic & Manual Therapies reveals “Chiropractic students’ cognitive dissonance to statements about professional identity, role, setting and future”.

Nearly 2,400 students from Europe, North America, and Australasia completed the surveys.

Individual student responses frequently contradict in terms of professional ideology, but most (approximately half) students demonstrate concordant progressive and mainstream attitudes.

Deed Harrison and Paul Oakley have a new paper addressing "Radiophobic Fear-Mongering, Misappropriation of Medical References and Dismissing Relevant Data Forms the False Stance for Advocating Against the Use of Routine and Repeat Radiography in Chiropractic and Manual Therapy".

The article argues that "there is considerable evidential support for routine use of radiological imaging in chiropractic and manual therapies" and that "the long held notion of carcinogenicity from X-rays is not a valid argument."

The commentary was published in Dose-Response: An International Journal with an impact factor of 2.4

Those are the headlines for This Week in Chiropractic. For links to these stories and more, visit www.exploringchiropractic.com/twich